Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Reasons Why

My first and foremost reason why I am Investing in Real estate, is due to the fact that my mother is slowly deteriorating from diabetes. I have not got to see her in three years because I have been so busy. She lives in Florida and I live in Ohio, so the distance played a part as well. So my girlfriend sent for her as my surprise birthday gift. I must of willed it someway (The Secret).

After seeing her I was so shocked to see how much older she looked from having diabetes. She had a hard time managing the steps in my house and looked as if she was in her late 50's even though she is only 48 years old. Very sad! Needless to say we treated her to a great time. Took her to the spa, movies, great restaurants, Stan Hywett Hall,  showed her some Luxury homes and a Chirstmas tree viewing. She said she had a good time.

So my goal is to retire my mother from working at the nursing home in Florida, erase her debt and give her an awesome life. She deserves it! After all she has done for my brothers and I its my turn to give back! Because I can.

My second reason is to become unemployable, because right now I still work a job. I pretty much have everything a guy can ask for. Awesome fiance, great friends, in great shape, new house, nice cars, all the cool gadgets and gizmos, growing bank accounts, almost debt free, and a college degree. But I do work hard for all that I have. Although I do want kids eventually, to earn over $1,000,000 per year in income, a bigger house in a better area and a Ferrari F430. These pictures below are the exact goals below. Sorry no pictures of kids, don't know what they would look like. Probably sexy little superstars like me!! LOL

So in my blogs you will read about some of my deals, issues I may be having, tips, and many other things related to real estate as well. So just stay with me because my thoughts and blogs may seem a little sparatic. Until next time.