Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year. Time to start off right!!

Its been two months since I wrote last. You know the holidays, my birthday and all that fun stuff. So anyway went out and got a new ride with some of the wholesaling money I had made. It was a car I always wanted that happened to be in the right place at the right time and for a price I would pay. It's a Mercedes C300 sports sedan. Totally decked out with all the bells and whistles!!! Love it, gotta start the new year off right. Also my new biz partner found some new buyers for a deal we have. Probably make $2k and split down the middle. No biggy. Things here in Akron don't sell for that much anyways, plus my major focus is on quantity anyways and beating the competition. Not much competition now a days though. Were did you guys go??

Still working the probate deals. Have yet to close on one. Sellers are still oblivious to what is happening in the market place and that the houses are not worth what they used to be. Tough luck for them I guess. Its amazing that these people are trying to get rich quick off of something thats not what it used to be. It will take at least 3-5yrs from now to get things back the way they were. In the mean time I will make a killing and become Super wealthy.

Oh here is a pic of the new ride for those whom take action and have goals.
Check out video footage here