Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Messed Up Property Sold!

Here is a deal my buddy Scott and I closed early October. It was a vacant property. Scott ended up getting this pretty messed up house here in Akron on contract for $2k and we ended up wholesaling it for $4k. So we made $1k each.

I went to the house looked at it for 10 minutes taking pictures, came home created a flyer, emailed flyer out to buyers list, and uploaded to Craigslist all within another 10 minutes. Total time I put into the deal was 20 minutes.

This is no joke either. Found a buyer in 2 days from Craigslist and the rest is history. Check this out, I broke it down. Spent 20 minutes total, made $1k. Thats the equivilant of getting paid $50 per minute.

That is SICK!!!!! $50 per minute. Who the in their right mind gets paid $50 per minute? Oh Yeah Me.