Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another Probate Deal Closed!!

Finally closed on this probate deal that was supposed to close back in October. Heres the break down. Got it on contract around Aug 2010 for $17k. Had people interested but price was too high. So we cancelled the contract with the attorney whom was controlling the estate. We told him none of our partners thought it was a good price for that area of town.

A week later the attorney contacted us back and asked what was a good price. We told him $12k. He agreed but then had to get it approved by the courts which took two months because this particular attorney was running for some type of office position during the elections. Needless to say we had a cash buyer lined up for $16k already. Well the cash buyer waited and we finally closed on Dec 13, 2010 profitting $4k.

 Profits were to be split of course. Just in time for Christmas. You gotta love it!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Will People Be Saying About You In 5 Years?

This is something I came across from an Average guy whom got started in real estate investing that became a Millionaire. Makes you think alot! So check out what he has to say.

My question to you is this:

What will people be saying about you in 5 years? Just imagine the possibilities. Stop and dream for a minute. Will they say "wow I never thought he would make it, but he did" or "Wow how did he afford that car and that house?" or "How is it possible that he owns 50 houses, I know his parents?"

Or Maybe Guys will she say "Honey i'm sorry I didn't believe in you in the beginning because you have proven me wrong, you are great provider" or "Thank you sooo much for continueing to endure the pain of the process so you could save our family"

Gals...maybe they will say "How did she buy and sell all those houses this year?" or "I can't believe a girl can afford to drive that car"

I used to dream about what people would say about me. I thought about it every time I had a bad day, or a bad month--it kept me going because I could see then end result before it happened.

Stop and dream...

Everything I thought they would say--they do--plus a whole lot more. Become the person it takes to change lives, believe you can do it too. Have the attitude that you can't be denied and you won't. Dream big and push hard. God Bless!

Matt Larson

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Messed Up Property Sold!

Here is a deal my buddy Scott and I closed early October. It was a vacant property. Scott ended up getting this pretty messed up house here in Akron on contract for $2k and we ended up wholesaling it for $4k. So we made $1k each.

I went to the house looked at it for 10 minutes taking pictures, came home created a flyer, emailed flyer out to buyers list, and uploaded to Craigslist all within another 10 minutes. Total time I put into the deal was 20 minutes.

This is no joke either. Found a buyer in 2 days from Craigslist and the rest is history. Check this out, I broke it down. Spent 20 minutes total, made $1k. Thats the equivilant of getting paid $50 per minute.

That is SICK!!!!! $50 per minute. Who the in their right mind gets paid $50 per minute? Oh Yeah Me.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Probate Deal closed!!

Alright finally closed on a probate deal!! Woo hoo!! Well my partner and I got the property under contract then contacted one of our cash buyers. He told us he wanted it, so we negotiated a price with him which worked for everyone. It took about 2 weeks to close due to some difficulty with the attorney being rather slow.

Never the less my partner and I walked away from the deal with $1300 a piece. Pretty nice if I do say so myself.

To sum it up the probate process is exactly the same as wholesaling a regular house except there are lawyers the court system, and heirs involved. Either way its all the same!

Oh here is a link to my new site designed specifically for  probate properties for those looking to sell or for some good information.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Probate Property Wholesaling Tips

Its been a while since I've wrote. Been contacting executors of probate estates with secret letter. Usually for every ten letters I send out I get a response of at least three people. So they work pretty freaking good!! Then came the challenge of the sellers accepting the offers on the properties.

Once they accept the offer you usually got send the contract over to their attorney so that they can get the property released from Probate for the sale. But first all the heirs gotta agree to the price. If they don't it will just delay the process. After contract gets signed.

The attorney sends the contract to your title company or yourself to take to title company for closing.

*Tip- Make sure your inspection period doesn't start until you or title company receives the contract.

Why- Most wholesalers contracts state that inspection period doesn't start until contract is signed. Well what if seller lives out of state and signs the contract but it takes 3days to get back to you. Well then your out 3 days of your inspection period.

Still have yet to close on a probate property. Its a work in progress. Mostly a numbers game.

Here is a link to a cheap property that my partner is offering-  if any questions contact us.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Deal Down the Drain

Hey everyone. So last month I was talking about making $2k on a certain deal. Well we almost did, but the property we had fell through. But the buyer we have wants us to find something else. Hopefully we can find something just as good. Real estate deals have been moving kinda slow over here.
Probate letters still working great but sellers of properties still unrealistic.

Got new marketing idea that helps find people that are actually buying properties in the area for cash. Seems to be working pretty dam good. If interested in how to find buyers for properties hit me up and I'll tell you how or maybe even post it up next month.

Anyways to all my fellow wholesalers out there, keep doing deals and making that money!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year. Time to start off right!!

Its been two months since I wrote last. You know the holidays, my birthday and all that fun stuff. So anyway went out and got a new ride with some of the wholesaling money I had made. It was a car I always wanted that happened to be in the right place at the right time and for a price I would pay. It's a Mercedes C300 sports sedan. Totally decked out with all the bells and whistles!!! Love it, gotta start the new year off right. Also my new biz partner found some new buyers for a deal we have. Probably make $2k and split down the middle. No biggy. Things here in Akron don't sell for that much anyways, plus my major focus is on quantity anyways and beating the competition. Not much competition now a days though. Were did you guys go??

Still working the probate deals. Have yet to close on one. Sellers are still oblivious to what is happening in the market place and that the houses are not worth what they used to be. Tough luck for them I guess. Its amazing that these people are trying to get rich quick off of something thats not what it used to be. It will take at least 3-5yrs from now to get things back the way they were. In the mean time I will make a killing and become Super wealthy.

Oh here is a pic of the new ride for those whom take action and have goals.
Check out video footage here