Friday, April 16, 2010

Probate Property Wholesaling Tips

Its been a while since I've wrote. Been contacting executors of probate estates with secret letter. Usually for every ten letters I send out I get a response of at least three people. So they work pretty freaking good!! Then came the challenge of the sellers accepting the offers on the properties.

Once they accept the offer you usually got send the contract over to their attorney so that they can get the property released from Probate for the sale. But first all the heirs gotta agree to the price. If they don't it will just delay the process. After contract gets signed.

The attorney sends the contract to your title company or yourself to take to title company for closing.

*Tip- Make sure your inspection period doesn't start until you or title company receives the contract.

Why- Most wholesalers contracts state that inspection period doesn't start until contract is signed. Well what if seller lives out of state and signs the contract but it takes 3days to get back to you. Well then your out 3 days of your inspection period.

Still have yet to close on a probate property. Its a work in progress. Mostly a numbers game.

Here is a link to a cheap property that my partner is offering-  if any questions contact us.