Sunday, July 12, 2009

More business from Craigslist

About a week ago a company based out of New York that buys REO's in bulk packages nationwide had contacted me. They were asking if I could help wholesale the properties that they pick up in Ohio areas. Whats great about this is that I have new property leads coming in all the time now, that I don't have to go out and find.

All I did was put an add on Craigslist saying I buy houses. When they contacted me I told them what it is that I do and that was it. Can this get any easier?

Friday, July 10, 2009

This just in!

So yesterday I put up a post about this unbelievable mess of a property I am dealing with. We got about 3 offers in for $10k, which I truly understand. Now we have to go back to the home owner and renegotiate the contract to make it work for everyone. I am positive he will agree to what we offer him and we should get this deal closed sometime late next week profitting roughly $2k. Not to shabby for something that was just sent to me and only investing about 2hrs of my time. I will keep everyone update as to what happens.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Business

Recently my partners in Cleveland Ohio sent me a contact number of a gentleman whom works for a company that wholesales properties on a much larger scale than I do. Basically they wholesale Nationwide.

Anyways they found out that I could be there go to guy for the Akron Ohio area to help them sell their properties. They have a homeowner in the area that inherited a property free and clear that wants to sell ASAP. Their motivation is that they want the extra money so they can move to florida into a condo thats awaiting them.

The house is located in a nice area close to the mall. Its a 3 bedroom, 1 bath and about 1000sqft. When I was driving around looking for it I had problems finding it due to the insane overgrowth of plants in the yard.

Once I was able to view the inside and take some pictures I was freaking amazed by the amount of junk piled up throughout the house. I mean every room had junk in it! There were little pathways that I had to navigate in order to get to the different rooms. I have never seen anything like it before.

I am seriously wondering if this thing will even sell for the price of $16k. The house is worth about $50K and needs about $10k worth of work and cleaning. So far I had about seven people ask about the house and want to look at it. No word back yet. I guess I will find out here shortly what the word is from the interested buyers. I'll keep everyone up to date as to what happens as I receive the news.
Here is what I am dealing with. The inside gets worse.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New to the game!

Just recently got started wholesaling properties about 5 months ago and have been doing a deal about every month. Pretty awesome for a new guy whom knew nothing about real estate investing prior. Made about 1/3 of what I make in a year wholesaling properties in about 16 hrs. Compare that to my job. A special thanks to Preston Ely and his ebook and my personal mentor Waine! This stuff is great and anybody can do it with the right knowledge and of course taking action. Here is the link for that e-book that got me going. Check it out!